Friday 6 May 2011

Don't believe the lies on the StolenKids-Hollie blog

The blog 'StolenKids-Hollie' ( claims there is no evidence for the abuse and cover-up of the abuse of Hollie Greig - and claims that Hollie Greig and her mother Anne Greig and family friend Robert Green approved every post until the 30th of April 2010.

What's strange about that claim is that there is a video on youtube with Hollie Greig, Anne Greig, and Robert Green making it clear that the sexual abuse did indeed happen. The video was posted on youtube the 23rd/24th of April 2010 - at a time when the StolenKids-Hollie blog claims Hollie and her mother were approving the posts! A screenshot of the blog is posted below in case the blogger later changes the date to say 30th of April '2011' instead of '2010' as the date up to which the posts were supposedly approved. The video link is also below. The sexual abuse referred to was by Hollie Greig's father Denis Charles Mackie and others, and involved a massive coverup including, but not limited to, a serving police officer and an Aberdeen Sheriff (a type of judge in Scotland).

Something else interesting is that the StolenKids-Hollie blog claims to have been 'the official site in Hollie's name'. Yet many videos and posters and banners about Hollie Greig have stated 'Scotland's Shame? Google Hollie Greig' - and long before I found the StolenKids-Hollie blog (I found it tonight), I happened to Google the words 'Hollie Greig' - and the StolenKids-Hollie blog didn't show up. If it had been the official one, don't you think it would have appeared in the results earlier?

Add to that the fact that the blogger is demanding solid proof - something that a court in a murder trial doesn't even request [they request evidence, or, where little is available and the Crown Prosecution Service -or Proscurator Fiscal (Scottish Prosecutor)- has decided to prosecute anyway, the jury determines who's bullshitting]. In a sexual assault case, even a straight rape case, the evidence is scant or difficult to find at all due to the nature of sexual assault cases. But with the Hollie Greig case, there is evidence (see below).

Notice also that the blogger is now only accepting comments from people with a Google account, thus making it more difficult to comment and thus refute his/her claims, and notice, at the bottom of one of the posts, he has put 'We now learn Hollieis [sicnot only a Down's Syndrome patient but has a mental age assessed at around 3.1/2.' [emphasis added] - the blogger clearly has prejudice against people with disabilities. As for Hollie's mental age: I work in a nursery (preschool to Americans) - with under 5's. As part of my training, we are informed that if a child tells us of abuse, we should listen and write everything down in the child's own words - so clearly under-5's are not idiots when it comes to describing abuse. The offending quote is on the post titled 'SK-H - 0456 - AN UPDATE & SOME CORRECTIONS of OTHERS' - use the buttons CTRL (or CONTROL) and F (press CTRL, keep it held down, and press F while holding CTRL down) on a Microsoft keyboard to find the quote (just type part of it in the box that appears).


One of the most interesting facts is the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority found there was, despite what the StolenKids-Hollie blog says, credible evidence to back up Hollie's and her mothers claims - and awarded compensation. Now why would they do that if the two were lying?

Hollie has been described as a reliable witness and, after Hollie's mother was forced into a mental institution for a short time as part of the coverup, she deliberately got herself examined by a leading psychiatrist in order to be able to prove there was nothing wrong with her - the psychiatrist confirmed there was nothing wrong with her and she has the paper to prove it!

Furthermore, the blogger shows his ignorance of sexual abuse by stating, on this page, that the claims that someone abused his daughter is 'is implausible' - despite the fact that the majority of abusers are people known to the victim, many of whom have been mothers and fathers!

Perhaps the best evidence is this from the Shropshire Star: 'Medical evidence showed that 28-year-old Hollie Greig, who has Downs Syndrome, was a victim of abuse and had undergone a traumatic experience.' Medical evidence. Not words on a blog - physical evidence.

It's should now be quite clear that the blogger for StolenKids-Hollie is either (a) idiotic and knows nothing about sexual abuse or disabilities, (b) prejudiced against disabled people and children, (c) someone who has fallen out with Hollie, her mother, and/or family friend Robert Green, and who is now on a sickening revenge course, or (d) someone who is involved in the shocking coverup.

There will almost certainly be further attempts to discredit Hollie, her mother, and her supporters. Please remember that they are almost certain to be part of further attempts at coverup. The accused can't try suing Hollie or her mother because they can not win due to the evidence against them, so persecution and trying to discredit them have been their actions so far.

REFERENCES (besides the image and video above):

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